Cisco ONS 15600 Reference Manual, R7.2
Chapter 13 SNMP
13.6 SNMP Management Information Bases
13.6 SNMP Management Information Bases
This section contains the following information:
13.6.1 IETF-Standard MIBs for ONS 15600, page 13-5 lists IETF-standard MIBs that are
implemented in the ONS 15600 and shows their compilation order.
13.6.2 Proprietary ONS 15600 MIBs, page 13-6 lists proprietary MIBs for the ONS 15600 and
shows their compilation order.
13.6.1 IETF-Standard MIBs for ONS 15600
Table 13-2 lists the IETF-standard MIBs implemented in the ONS 15600 SNMP agents.
First compile the MIBs in Table 13-2. Next, compile the MIBs in the order given in Table 13-3.
If you do not compile MIBs in the correct order, one or more might not compile correctly.
Table 13-2 IETF Standard MIBs Implemented in the ONS 15600 System
Number Module Name Title/Comments
— IANAifType-MIB.mib Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA) ifType
1213 RFC1213-MIB-rfc1213.mib Management Information Base for Network
1907 SNMPV2-MIB-rfc1907.mib Management of TCP/IP-based Internet: MIB-II
Management Information Base for Version 2 of the Simple
Network Management Protocol (SNMPv2)
1253 RFC1253-MIB-rfc1253.mib OSPF Version 2 Management Information Base
1493 BRIDGE-MIB-rfc1493.mib Definitions of Managed Objects for Bridges
(This defines MIB objects for managing MAC bridges
based on the IEEE 802.1D-1990 standard between Local
Area Network [LAN] segments.)
2819 RMON-MIB-rfc2819.mib Remote Network Monitoring Management Information
2737 ENTITY-MIB-rfc2737.mib Entity MIB (Version 2)
2233 IF-MIB-rfc2233.mib Interfaces Group MIB using SNMPv2
2358 EtherLike-MIB-rfc2358.mib Definitions of Managed Objects for the Ethernet-like
Interface Types
2493 PerfHist-TC-MIB-rfc2493.mib (Not applicable to the ONS 15600) Textual Conventions
for MIB Modules Using Performance History Based on
15 Minute Intervals
2495 DS1-MIB-rfc2495.mib Not applicable to the ONS 15600
2496 DS3-MIB-rfc2496.mib Not applicable to the ONS 15600
2558 SONET-MIB-rfc2558.mib Definitions of Managed Objects for the SONET/SDH
Interface Type