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IP Link Power Control Interface
IPL T PC1 and IPL T PC1i
cChapter 1: Install Global Configurator.
• Install from the Software Products CD-ROM, or
• Download from Extron Web site.
cChapter 2: Make the IPL T PC1 cable connections.
1. cPower
2. cLocal Area Network (LAN)
3. cSerial device
4. cIR-controlled device
5. cSwitch or sensor (to contact closure Input port)
cChapter 3: Create a Global Configurator project file, add a
device, and configure it. Build and upload the GC project
file. Launch the GlobalViewer
1. cDownload device drivers.
2. cCreate a new Global Configurator project file.
3. cAdd a device.
4. cDefine the location of the new device.
5. cSave the new Global Configurator file.
6. cEnter contacts.
7. cCreate e-mail messages.
8. cEnter output receptacle and contact input port
9. cAssign device drivers.
10. cSet scheduled actions and e-mail deliveries.
11. cSet monitored conditions.
12. cBuild the Global Configurator file.
13. cUpload the Global Configurator file.
14. cChange device settings (if desired).
15. cLaunch the GlobalViewer
Setup Guide Checklist