Use and Care Manual
Expressions "Big Pot"
Canning Grate
Model AG146
The Canninggrateistobe usedonlywithJenn-AirExpressionsGas ceoktops.
Thisoptionalaccessorymakes itpossibletouse largeover-sizedcanners or
stockpotson the cooktop. Normallycanners should not be allowed to extend
over the edge of the grate• Heat build-upunder the canner could damage
surrounding areas. The elevated design of the Canning grate eliminates such
Note: The large front burner has been designedtosupply the highestBTU
rate.When canning,usethis burner_.
1. Beforeinstallingthecanninggrate,becertainALLcontrolknobsare inthe
"OFF" positionandthe cooktopgrate iscool.
2. Removethe burnergratefromthe large frontburnerof the cooktop.
3. Placethe canninggratein its place. The largeflat portionshouldextend
forwardover the countertop.Add the surface burnergrateon top of the
4. Use the surfacecontrol knob for the large front burner.
5. The grate can be removed for storage once it has cooled.
Printed inU._•A. Cat. NO.CRA146UE_
@1994Jenn-Air PartNo. 8111P158 60 4/96