JVC GY-HD250U Camcorder User Manual

Version 1.10
KA-BP250 Intermediate Plate (handled by JPC)
Back of
Intermediate Plate
AB Mount plate
IDX Plate - JVC-PV
Four screws to mount plate onto back of KA-HD250U
The intermediate plate mounts on the back of the KA-HD250U. To this plate either an Anton Bauer of an IDX mount plate
can be attached. The Camplex or Telecast Fiber Camera adapter can then be attached to the KA-HD250U.
· Enables mounting an Anton Bauer or IDX Mount on the back of the KA-HD250U
· AB Mount plate: QX2
· IDX Mount plate: JVC-PV
· Intermediate Plate Part TBD
CONTACT : JVC Professional for availability of plate.