krossfour Main Features
• 4 channel video mixer with DJ mixer feel and control
• 4 composite inputs and 1 S-Video input, all with Time Based Correction to ensure the highest
quality picture
• 1 composite and 1 S-Video Main output
• 1 composite Monitor output allows the performer to “cue up” video sources before mixing
• Hold button allows freezing of the video for either of the 2 channels
• DJ style cross-fader with 4 adjustable fader curves
• Fade to Black and Fade to White modes
• Chroma key function rejects blue and allows the other channel to pass through in place of it
• Luma key function rejects black, gray or white, and allows the other channel to pass through in
place of it
• Clearly laid out and illuminated front panel makes it perfect for low light and club environments
Connections and Setup 2
Selecting an Input for a Channel 2
Selecting a Source to Monitor 3
Holding or Freezing a Source 3
Adjusting and Using the Cross-fader Curves 3
Fading to Black or White 3
Using the Chroma Key Function 3
Using the Luma Key Function 4
Combining Features and Functions 4
Suggested setup for krossfour and entrancer 5