Olympus C-3040 Digital Camera User Manual

Taking picture with pre-fixed exposure
Custom Photography
Align the AF target mark
with the subject of the shot
and press the shutter button
down halfway.
The green lamp lights.
Focusing and white balancing
are locked.
Press the shutter button
down fully.
When you finish taking the
shot, the AE lock is released
and " " disappears.
When " " is displayed,
the locked exposure settings
are retained after you take the
shot and remain valid for the
next shot also.
You can also use the AE lock
after you press the shutter
button down halfway.
AE lock can also be used in Spot Metering mode.
AE lock is released when...
The AE lock is released and the AE memory is cleared in the following
- When you press .
- When you change the Mode dial setting.
- When you press the (Spot/Macro) button to change the light meter-
ing mode.
- When you change the drive mode.
- When you press the (Menu) button to view the menu screen.
- The monitor switches off.
You cannot use AE lock while the menu screen is displayed.
You cannot use exposure compensation and AE lock at the same time.