Olympus C-3040 Digital Camera User Manual

Using Flash
Using external flash
Using the optional FL-40 external flash enables you to take a wide variety of
shots using flash.
You can either use the external flash by itself, or use it in conjunction with the
camera's built-in flash.
To mount the FL-40 external flash on your Camedia, you should always use
the optional dedicated flash bracket FL-BK01 and bracket cable FL-CB01. If
you use any other method to mount the FL-40 external flash, you will not be
able to access the dedicated functions offered by the FL-40 external flash.
Using the FL-40 external flash
When you use the FL-40 external flash, it automatically detects the camera's
flash mode and exposure settings and can be controlled by the camera in the
same way as the built-in flash.
Using the built-in and external flash units together allows you to use more
sophisticated lighting effects, such as using the external flash for bounce
lighting and the built-in flash for catch lighting. The default setting is for the
external flash and built-in flash to work together.
Remove the cap from 5-Pin
external flash socket.
The cap is a screw-on cover.
Unscrew the cap to remove it.
Mount the FL-40 external
flash on the dedicated
flash bracket. Then fasten
it to the camera's tripod
socket and use the dedi-
cated bracket cable to con-
nect the flash bracket to
the 5-Pin external flash
socket on the camera.
Refer also to the instructions
provided with the dedicated
flash bracket and bracket
5-Pin external flash socket