Olympus C-3040 Digital Camera User Manual

Press the shutter button
the rest of the way down
(press fully).
When the camera emits a
short double-beep, it has fin-
ished taking the picture.
The green lamp blinks as the
camera starts recording the
picture onto the card.
The card access lamp blinks
while the data is being
recorded onto the card.
To check the picture youve
just taken, you can view it on
the monitor. REC VIEW
When the green lamp beside
the viewfinder stops blinking,
the camera is ready for the
next shot.
If you press the shutter button
while the green lamp is blink-
ing, the shutter does not oper-
ate. (The time for which the
green lamp blinks varies
depending on Recording
(image quality) mode, but
should last between 0.5 and
43 seconds.)
You can check the camera
memory status by using the
monitor to take pictures.
You can also record a voice
comment when taking a pic-
ture. (P.122)
Shooting and Playback Basics
Green lamp