Olympus C-3040 Digital Camera User Manual

Shooting and Playback Basics
Selecting CHECK allows
you to choose whether to
record or discard the picture
you have just shot before it is
recorded. (P.186)
When you are shooting a movie
and recording sound at the
same time, the focus is fixed at
the point where the focus was
locked. If you are shooting a
subject that changes position
markedly (e.g. from back-
ground to foreground), stop
shooting briefly to allow the
camera to refocus. To keep the
camera focused all the time
during shooting, set sound
record mode to OFF. (P.124)
When the card access lamp starts blinking, recording of the
card has begun.
Even if the gauge displays available memory, you cannot shoot the next pic-
ture until the recording of the card is completed.
When the card access lamp stops blinking, recording of the card has
finished. If memory is available in the card, the number of possible
shots is displayed on the LCD monitor, and you can begin shooting.
F2.0 1/800 0.0
When “CHECK” is selected, the monitor may go blank for a few moments
after you have been shooting for a long period. This is because the camera
is processing the images and is not a malfunction.
The image quality for movies may be lower than that for still images.
The image actually shot is slightly smaller than the image you see on the
Do not apply excessive force to the monitor.
Use the image on the monitor only to compose the shot. The monitor is not
designed to show details such as the focus or exposure.
When the subject is at an angle to the camera, the edges of the image may
appear jagged on the monitor. This is not a malfunction.
Light may appear in bands at the top and bottom of the monitor. This is not
a malfunction.
When you are shooting in bright conditions, such as in sunlight, vertical
streaks (or smears) may appear on the monitor or the picture you shoot.