Olympus C-3040 Digital Camera User Manual

Measuring the subject brightness (Spot Metering mode)
In Spot Metering mode, the camera measures the brightness of the subject.
The camera provides two light metering modes: Digital ESP metering and
spot metering. The camera's default light metering mode is Digital ESP.
In Digital ESP light metering mode, the camera measures the light at the
center of the picture and around the periphery of the picture separately
and then selects the optimal exposure.
Spot metering, because it only measures the light levels at the center of
the image, allows you to obtain the correct exposure for backlit subjects
since the exposure is not affected by the background light. The light
metering mode changes in the cycle shown below each time you press
the (Spot/Macro) button.
Setting Function and Purpose
Normal Digital ESP metering.
Used for normal autofocus photography.
Spot metering mode Measures light only at the center of the
Macro mode Used for close-up shots. (P.84)
Macro + Spot metering Used for spot metering in close-up
mode shots. (P.97)
Custom Photography