Olympus C-2040ZOOM Digital Camera User Manual

Displaying pictures
Press the (Monitor) button twice in quick succession to switch the monitor
on and display the most recent picture. You can also view shots by selecting
on the Mode dial. (Single-frame display)
: Displays the next picture. : Displays the previous picture.
: Jumps back 10 pictures. : Jumps forward 10 pictures.
Playback movies
Use the Arrow pad to select an image with the icon and then press the
(Menu) button. Select "MOVIE PLAY", press to select "START" and then
press the [OK] button. The card access lamp blinks and movie playback begins.
To pause playback, press the [OK] button. Press it again to resume the playback.
Use the Arrow pad to display the previous/next frame once playback has finished
or while the movie is paused. Press the (Menu) button to exit Movie Playback
mode and return to the menu screen.
One-frame erase
Set the Mode dial to and use the Arrow pad to display the picture you want
to erase. Press the (Erase) button. A message asking whether you want to
erase the picture appears. Make sure that "YES" is selected, then press [OK] but-
Use the Arrow pad to select the picture you want to protect and press the [OK]
button to protect the picture. The picture is protected and appears on the
All-frame erase
Set the Mode dial to . Press the (Menu) button. Select "CARD SETUP",
then . Press the [OK] button. Make sure that "OK" is selected and press the
[OK] button.