Olympus C-2040ZOOM Digital Camera User Manual

The DPOF system allows you to record information specifying which images are
to be printed and how many copies of each. This information is recorded on the
card used to store the pictures and allows the specified pictures to be automat-
ically printed by a printer or photo lab that supports the DPOF system. Note that
print orders cannot be set for images marked with the icon.
Single print order
Use the Arrow pad and display any still picture. Press the . Use or
on the Arrow pad to select and then press the [OK] button. Use the Arrow
pad to display the image for which you want to set the print order. Press the [OK]
button. Press or to select
. Press or to set the number of
copies. Press or to select . Press or to select "DATE" or
"TIME" or "NO". Press or to select . Press or to select "YES"
or "NO". When you have completed the settings, press the [OK] button. Press
the Print button to return to Display mode.
All-print order
Allows you to store print data for all the pictures on the card, as well as allowing
you to choose how many prints you want.
Trimmed print order
This function allows you to enlarge and print a portion of a picture.
Resetting print reserve
This resets all the print reserve settings for images saved in a card. Press
The print order setting screen is displayed . If there are no pictures on the card,
this screen is not displayed .
to select "RESET", then press the [OK] button. To keep the print
order select "KEEP" and press the [OK] button.
You cannot connect the camera directly to printers that support direct
printing, such as the Olympus P-300E digital printer, to print images.
You cannot use this camera to change DPOF order details specified using
another device. Use the original device to modify the orders. If a card contains
files with DPOF orders set on another device, using this camera to specify new
orders may erase the previous orders.