Olympus C-360ZOOM Digital Camera User Manual

Connecting the camera to the computer
4 Turn the camera on.
Camera with a lens barrier
The power turns on automatically,
with the exception of some models
which require you to press the
(monitor) button.
When the camera is turned on, the
lamp on the right of the viewfinder
lights up.
Camera with a mode
Set the mode dial to .
(If the camera has a power
switch as well as a mode
dial, turn the power switch to
5 Some camera models
display this screen (shown
right) on the monitor. When
this screen appears, use the
arrow pad to select “PC” and
press the OK button.
6 The computer recognizes the camera as a new device.
When you connect the camera to the computer for the first time, the
computer automatically recognizes the camera. Click “OK” when the
message saying that the installation is completed appears. The
computer recognizes the camera as a “Removable Disk”.
Lens barrier
(monitor) button
Power switch
Mode dial
Arrow pad
OK button