Olympus C-460ZOOM Digital Camera User Manual

12 En
When shooting pictures (Shooting mode)
Power on: Open the lens barrier fully.
The camera turns on in the shooting mode. The lens extends
and the subject is displayed on the monitor.
If the lens does not extend when the lens barrier is opened, there
is a possibility that the barrier is not fully open. Open the lens
barrier fully until you feel it click.
Power off: Close the lens barrier slightly until it almost touches the
lens barrel.
The lens barrier stops just before it touches the lens and the lens
retracts. Wait until the lens is fully retracted before closing the
lens barrier completely.
The camera turns off. (The monitor also turns off.)
Do not push the lens barrier forcefully against the lens as this may
damage the lens or cause it to malfunction.
x215_Basic.book 12 ページ 2003年11月26日 水曜日 午後2時47分