Olympus C-460ZOOM Digital Camera User Manual

30 En
Auto-flash (No indication)
The flash fires automatically in low light or backlight conditions.
Red-eye reduction flash ( )
The red-eye reduction flash mode significantly reduces this phenomenon by
emitting pre-flashes before firing the regular flash.
Fill-in flash ( )
The flash fires regardless of the available light.
Flash off ( )
The flash does not fire even in low light conditions.
This function is useful for taking pictures where you want to be included in the
photograph. Fix the camera securely on a tripod on set it on a level surface
for self-timer shooting.
1 Open the lens barrier fully.
The lens extends and the monitor turns on.
2 Press ( ).
The current self-timer setting is displayed.
3 Press
( ) to switch the self-timer mode on or off.
The setting changes between ON and OFF each time is
pressed. When the self- timer mode is selected, is displayed on
the monitor.
4 Take the picture.
The self-timer lamp lights up for approximately 10 seconds, and starts
blinking. After blinking for approximately 2 seconds with a beep sound,
the picture is taken.
The self-timer mode is automatically canceled after one shot.
x215_Basic.book 30 ページ 2003年11月26日 水曜日 午後2時47分