Olympus D-555 ZOOM Digital Camera User Manual

Additional shooting functions
Self-timer shooting
This function lets you take pictures using the self-timer. Fix the camera
securely on a tripod for self-timer shooting. This function is useful for taking
pictures when you want to be included in the photograph.
1 Press c (Y).
The current self-timer setting is displayed.
2 Press c (Y) to switch the self-
timer mode on or off.
The setting changes between [Y ON]
and [Y OFF] each time c is pressed.
When the self-timer mode is selected,
Y is displayed on the monitor.
3 Press the shutter button fully to
take the picture.
Pressing the shutter button halfway
locks the focus and exposure.
The self-timer lamp lights for
approximately 10 seconds, then starts
blinking. After blinking for approximately
2 seconds, the picture is taken.
To stop shooting while in n mode,
press the shutter button fully again.
To cancel the self-timer, press c.
The self-timer mode is automatically
canceled after one shot.
If sequential shooting is attempted in self-timer mode, the camera shoots 5
frames at most regardless of the setting.
Self-timer lamp
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