Olympus D-555 ZOOM Digital Camera User Manual

Playing back still pictures
1 Set the POWER switch at q.
The last picture taken is displayed on the monitor (single-frame playback).
Use the arrow pad to navigate between pictures.
2 Press T or W on the zoom lever.
This allows you to enlarge the picture (close-up playback) or display an
index of pictures (index display).
Close-up playback
Press T to enlarge the
picture up to a maximum
of 5×.
By using the arrow pad
during close-up playback,
you can scroll to different
portions of the picture.
Pictures cannot be stored
in an enlarged state.
Close-up playback is not
available for movies.
Index display
During index display, use the
arrow pad to select the desired
You can select the number of
pictures to be displayed.
g“Selecting the number of
pictures” (P. 47)
Press T to return to
single-frame display
Press W to return to
single-frame display
d4255_e_00_0_bookfile.book Page 46 Monday, June 6, 2005 11:08 AM