Olympus D-510 ZOOM Digital Camera User Manual

To Initialize (Format) a Card
Using SmartMedia cards by companies other than Olympus, as well as
cards formatted on another device including a personal computer, may
result in longer image-writing times and decreased storage capacity.
Such cards should be reformatted by the camera before use.
Using Olympus brand pre-formatted cards is highly recommended.
When a card that needs to be formatted is inserted into the camera, the
camera will automatically go into formatting mode.
For operating instructions see Using the Playback Menu(p.104).
Before formatting a card, beware of the following:
All images, including those that have been write-protected, will be
erased. When reformatting a card that has been used, make sure that
you are not erasing important picture data.
Formatting cannot be performed on cards affixed with write-protect
seals. Remove the write-protect seal from the card before formatting.
The write-protect seal cannot be reused after it has been removed
from the card.
Card Group Menu Items: