Olympus D-510 ZOOM Digital Camera User Manual

Using this Manual
This manual is divided into seven chapters and one appendix which
cover the main unit (hereafter called “the camera”).
Chapter 1 Getting Started
Details confirming the names of all the parts of the camera and
preparing the camera to be used for the first time are all explained in
this chapter. It is essential to read this before using the camera for the
first time.
Chapter 2 Learning the Basics
Basic operations of the camera are explained, including turning on the
power, shooting a still image, checking that image and turning the
power off. Reading this chapter will make taking pictures with this
camera easy and enjoyable. Be sure to read this section.
Chapter 3 Playing Images Back
After taking a few images, you will probably want to review them
collectively or display them on your TV.This chapter explains how to
turn the power on for playback, view the images, and turn the power off.
Read this after you’ve taken a few practice pictures as explained in
Chapter 2.
Chapter 4 Taking Better Pictures
This chapter explains how to focus the camera, as well as how to set
and use macro mode, flash mode, selftimer, movie shooting, and other
convenient functions that will help you take great pictures. Read this
chapter after you have familiarized yourself with Chapter 2 and taken a
few pictures with the camera.
Chapter 5 Advanced Shooting Techniques
All the functions for using various advanced shooting features are
explained in this chapter. Refer to each of these functions as needed.
Chapter 6 Advanced Playback Techniques
Playing back movie images, as well as other useful display functions, are
explained in this chapter. Refer to each of these functions as needed.
Chapter 7 Transferring Your Pictures to a Computer
The included USB cable can be used to send pictures stored on the
camera to a personal computer for further processing and printing. This
chapter explains the steps used to send images from the camera to a