Olympus E-420 Digital Camera User Manual

Focusing and shooting functions
This function lets you take pictures using the self-timer. You can set the camera to release
the shutter after either 12 or 2 seconds. Fix the camera securely on a tripod for self-timer
For the setting method, see “Sequential shooting” (gP. 55).
Press the shutter button all the way.
When Y12s is selected:
First, the self-timer lamp lights up for approximately
10 seconds, then it blinks for approximately 2
seconds and the picture is taken.
When Y2s is selected :
The self-timer lamp blinks for approximately 2
seconds, and then the picture is taken.
To cancel the activated self-timer, press the </Y/j
x Notes
Do not press the shutter button while standing in front of the camera; this could result in the
subject being out of focus since focusing is performed when the shutter button is pressed
Eyepiece cover
When shooting without looking through the viewfinder, attach the eyepiece cover to the
viewfinder to prevent the light entering the viewfinder from changing the exposure. Attach the
eyepiece cover after removing the eyecup as illustrated. The same applies when replacing
with an optional eyecup.
Self-timer shooting
Self-timer lamp
Eyepiece cover
s0016_e_00_0_unified.book Page 56 Monday, February 18, 2008 2:43 PM