Olympus C-8080 Digital Camera User Manual

En 39
You are recommended to protect important pictures to avoid accidentally
erasing them. Protected pictures cannot be erased by the single-frame/all-frame
erase function.
1 Set the mode dial to q and turn the camera on.
The monitor turns on.
2 Use the arrow pad or control dial to display the picture you want
to protect.
3 Press 0.
To cancel protection, press 0 again.
Protected pictures cannot be erased by the single-frame/all-frame
erase function, but they are all erased by formatting.
This function lets you erase recorded pictures. Single-frame erase erases only
the picture displayed on the monitor and all-frame erase erases all the pictures
on the card.
Once erased, pictures cannot be restored. Check each picture before
erasing to avoid accidentally erasing pictures you want to keep.
Single-frame erase
1 Set the mode dial to q and turn the camera on.
The monitor turns on.
2 Use the arrow pad or control dial to display the picture you want
to erase.
3 Press S.
The S ERASE screen is displayed.
4 Press ac to select YES, then press e.
The picture is erased and the menu is closed.
All-frame erase
1 In the top menu, select MODE MENU CARD CARD SETUP,
and press d.
2 Press ac to select R ALL ERASE, then press e.
3 Press ac to select YES, then press e.
All the pictures are erased.
basic_e_d4155_6.fm Page 39 Monday, December 8, 2003 10:02 AM