Olympus E-500 Digital Camera User Manual

Attaching the strap
1 Thread one end of the strap through the
strap eyelet on the camera.
2 Thread the end of the strap through the
ring, then thread it through the stopper
as indicated by the arrows.
3 Thread the strap back through the other
hole of the stopper.
4 Pull the other side of the strap tight,
making sure that it is fastened securely.
5 Repeat steps 1 - 4 to attach the other end
of the strap to the other eyelet.
Be careful with the strap when you carry the camera, since it can easily catch on
stray objects, causing injury or damage.
Attach the strap correctly as shown above so that the camera does not fall off. If the
strap is attached incorrectly and the camera falls off, Olympus is not responsible for
any damage.
s0004_oe_Basic.book Page 11 Friday, September 16, 2005 6:51 PM