Olympus SP-700 Digital Camera User Manual

The flash does not fire.
The flash is set to [$]. Select a flash mode other than [$]. P. 43
The subject is
If you want the flash to fire on a brightly
illuminated subject, set the flash to [#].
P. 43
Multi-shot mode is set The flash does not fire in the multi-shot mode.
Set [o] or [j].
P. 55
The camera is recording
a movie.
The flash does not fire in the movie mode.
Select a shooting mode other than n.
P. 46
Super macro mode is
The flash does not fire in the super macro
mode. Set macro mode to [& OFF] or [&].
P. 42
Panorama mode is set. The flash does not fire in the panorama
mode. Cancel panorama mode.
P. 57
The battery run time is brief.
You are using the
camera in a cold
Battery performance deteriorates in low
temperatures. Keep the camera warm by
putting it inside your coat or clothing.
The remaining battery
power is not indicated
When battery consumption fluctuates
considerably, the camera may turn off
without displaying the battery warning
indicator. Charge the battery.
Label shot does not work
There is insufficient
space on the internal
Erase any pictures you do not need. Before
erasing, download important data to a
P. 93,
P. 140
There are too many
labels in the camera
Use OLYMPUS Master to erase unneeded
labels. For details, refer to the OLYMPUS
Master software help or manual.
Compare and shoot is set, but the pictures on the left to not change
SHOOT] [ON] then
select a picture in the
playback mode and then
return to the shooting
Press the QUICK VIEW button to go to the
playback mode, then do not do anything
except press the QUICK VIEW button to
return to the shooting mode.
* Condensation: When it is cold outside, the water vapor in the air is rapidly cooled and
turns to droplets of water.
Condensation occurs when the camera is suddenly taken from a cold
place into a warm room.
Possible cause Corrective action