Olympus SP-700 Digital Camera User Manual

Tips before you start taking pictures
If the correct focus cannot be obtained
The camera automatically detects the focus target in the frame. The level
of contrast is one of the criteria used to determine the subject. The camera
may fail to determine subjects with lower contrast than the surroundings or
with an area of extremely strong contrast in the frame. If this happens, the
simplest solution is to use the focus lock.
1 Position the AF target mark on
the subject you want to focus on.
When shooting a hard-to-focus or fast-
moving subject, focus the camera on an
object about the same distance away as
the subject.
2 Press the shutter button halfway
until the green lamp lights.
The green lamp lights when the focus
and exposure are locked.
When the green lamp blinks, the focus
and exposure are not locked. Release your finger from the shutter button,
re-position the AF target mark on the subject and press the shutter button
halfway again.
3 Keeping the shutter button
pressed halfway, recompose
your shot.
4 Press the shutter button fully.
The camera takes the picture. The
power/card access lamp blinks while the
picture is recorded.
How to focus (focus lock)
AF target mark
Shutter button
Green lamp
Shutter button