Olympus Stylus 830 Digital Camera User Manual

Using OLYMPUS Master
1 Insert the CD-ROM into the CD-ROM drive.
The OLYMPUS Master setup screen is displayed.
If the screen is not displayed, double-click the “My
Computer” icon and click the CD-ROM icon.
2 Select the display language and click the
“OLYMPUS Master 2” button.
When the component installation screen is displayed,
click “OK”.
3 Click “Next” and follow the on-screen
When the OLYMPUS Master licensing agreement is
displayed, read the agreement and click “Yes” to proceed
with the installation.
4 When the user information screen is
displayed, enter your “Name”, select your
“Region” and click “Next”.
5 When the setup type selection screen is
displayed, click “Install”.
To select the components to install, select “Custom”.
The installation begins. The screen confirming that setup
is completed is displayed. Click “Close”.
Next, the screen confirming whether to install OLYMPUS
muvee theaterPack Trial Version is displayed. To install
this software, click “Install”.
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