Vivotek PZ7132 Security Camera User Manual

User's Manual - 61
Patrol Settings
You can select preset locations for the Network Camera to patrol�
Please follow the steps below to set up a patrol schedule:
1� Click a preset location on the list and click Select
2� The selected preset locations will be displayed on the Selected locations list
3� Set the Dwelling time for the preset location during auto patrol� The default value is 10 seconds� You
can also manually set a value and click Update
4� Repeat step 1 and 3 to select additional preset locations�
5� If you want to delete a selected location, select it from the list and click Remove
6� Select a location and click Up or Down to rearrange the patrol order�
7� Adjust the Auto pan/patrol speed� (1~5 seconds)
8� Click Save to enable the settings�
Return to Home Position while Idle
If you select this option, the Network Camera will automatically return to the home position after idling for
a specic time span. Please remember to click Save to enable the settings�