lens error keeps comming up

Asked by benay gish on 04/01/2008 9  Answers

ManualsOnline posted an answer 16 years, 9 months ago

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5 my camera was working fine and then a couple days ago i turn it on and the sreen just stays black like you took picture to close and it's satying like that but it will flash still but there's no picture comeing up what's wrong with it please help
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0 e-mail me at www.Dezbehottibe@yahoo.com
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0 The lens might pop out just a bit, and then come back in, with the screen saying "lens error". Or, it may not even come out at all, which is even more frustrating. I looked in the manual supplied with the A370, but there was no mention of how to troubleshoot the lens. I also tried to pull it back out by using flathead screwdrivers but in vain. (I would not suggest using the method I just mentioned)
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0 The lens might pop out just a bit, and then come back in, with the screen saying "lens error". Or, it may not even come out at all, which is even more frustrating. I looked in the manual supplied with the A370, but there was no mention of how to troubleshoot the lens. I also tried to pull it back out by using flathead screwdrivers but in vain. (I would not suggest using the method I just mentioned)
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0 The lens might pop out just a bit, and then come back in, with the screen saying "lens error". Or, it may not even come out at all, which is even more frustrating. I looked in the manual supplied with the A370, but there was no mention of how to troubleshoot the lens. I also tried to pull it back out by using flathead screwdrivers but in vain. (I would not suggest using the method I just mentioned)
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0 The lens might pop out just a bit, and then come back in, with the screen saying "lens error". Or, it may not even come out at all, which is even more frustrating. I looked in the manual supplied with the A370, but there was no mention of how to troubleshoot the lens. I also tried to pull it back out by using flathead screwdrivers but in vain. (I would not suggest using the method I just mentioned)
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0 If your lens did not pop out like it should, just DO NOT use a flathead screwdriver to try and pull it out, the lens will stay put. I thought it may have been a motor problem or that the shutters were off sync.
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0 If your lens did not pop out like it should, just DO NOT use a flathead screwdriver to try and pull it out, the lens will stay put. I thought it may have been a motor problem or that the shutters were off sync.
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