I have a bunker Hill color security camera all I want to know is if someone can give me the identification for the 4 wires it has a white green yellow and a black

Asked by robert on 01/27/2013 15  Answers

ManualsOnline posted an answer 11 years, 12 months ago

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7 its not in the damned manual....how stupid are you people? there is a connection point where audio video and power connect...try getting it through a hole in your wall thats too small and the wires rip out....people want to know how to re-wire it and its as if its some government secret. yellow is video in to tv, white is audio out to tv...look it up here and you will get answers for which is power...green or black...the ac adapter is not a grounded adapter....so the white dotted one should be power and other ground...try connecting either and you get nothing...the only way i get it to barely work is by grounding the audio and video grounds together but not to the adapter wire....adapter wires to green n black . I assumed green to be ground in this case...picture is there but indiscernable...no other way is working...i suppose the ten thousand people that asked this question and did not get an answer are experiencing the same thing...thats why they are asking ..thats why I'm asking...whats with this crap...just freakin answer
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6 All I have is the camera nothing else how can I rig this up to my emerson tv
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0 I agree, I was looking too. I figured it out though. Green is voltage, yellow is video, black is common ground to voltage source and camera to monitor which leaves white being audio which I do not use. I am using a coaxial cable so the black wires went to braided wire on coax. Yellow to center wire of coax and the positive voltage source went to green.
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