Does not seem to charge, and I couldn't find any info on charging in the user guide.

Asked by Tim Krisko on 01/22/2009 10  Answers

ManualsOnline posted an answer 15 years, 11 months ago

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5 Use the wall charger which came with the camera. Using the USB port from the PC will turn the camera ON and enable the data transfer but will not charge the battery.
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5 How do you know when the camera is fully charged? All I see now on the LED screen is a green plug. What am I looking for to tell me the battery is fully charged?
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5 For what it's worth, I had a problem charging the battery because I was using a 5v phone charger and the not the 3.7v charger the the camera came with. Most everything else with the same input port seems to be 5v.
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4 you need to use the usb charger that came w/ the camera. I tried using the usb to computer, a nintendo DS charger,a motorola usb cell phone & bluetooth charger, none worked. finally found the usb charger that came w/ it and all is well.
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4 The camera does NOT charge using a USB cord attached to a computer. You need to use the cord that came with the camera. One end of this cord will fit the small USB port on the camera, the other end of the cord will plug into the wall.
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3 I lost the charger that came with the camcorder and now I can't find another one. I contacted the company who told me that they don't offer just a charger. Does anyone have any suggestions on what other generic types of chargers might work?
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3 I lost the charger that came with the camcorder and now I can't find another one. I contacted the company who told me that they don't offer just a charger. Does anyone have any suggestions on what other generic types of chargers might work?
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1 I'm having the same problem. Any luck yet?
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0 Replacement adapters can be purchased through PartSearch (see link).
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