I need a owners manual

Asked by Charles on 05/10/2009 8  Answers

ManualsOnline posted an answer 15 years, 7 months ago

The ManualsOnline team has found the manual for this product! We hope it helps solve your problem. Get the Manual Here
4 Sorry for the poor quality, it is a flatbed scan. Hope this helps folks. I found this manual. Digital Decor DPF8512 Operating Instructions.pdf
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4 The computer does not "understand" the photo frame when I connect it by USB. Do I need software - I want to load on music files to use.
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1 I have the manual and it's not much help. My frame just stopped working and I can't find any troubleshooting instructions at all. The manual says to email them at digitaldecor@product-info.us. Hope this helps
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1 How do I find a manual for this product? I have lost the manual to the frame and would like to add videos to it also.
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0 I bought this from a person and did'nt think of the remote til it was too late. Also need a usable manual. Any help is appreciated. Ron
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0 My digital frame freezes when ever i put my flash drive in it and i change the memory and it works for a little while, but then it freezes again. Where can i send my digital frame so it can be fixed?
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0 Thanks @throwd - Exactly what I needed!
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