how do i get it to work, what do i plug it into

Asked by zach on 05/04/2009 2  Answers

ManualsOnline posted an answer 15 years, 7 months ago

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0 What I have used it for is outside surveillance. I have it installed outside our front door and it is plugged into a Magnavox DVR system. You will have to get BNC adapters in order to plug it in this. However, if you do not have a DVR, but you do have a VCR, you can plug it into the A/V (usually red, white, and yellow where red and white are normally audio and yellow is video. Older VCRs have 2 RCA inputs which are white (or yellow) (for video) and red (audio)). Works wonders, good video feed.
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0 What I have used it for is outside surveillance. I have it installed outside our front door and it is plugged into a Magnavox DVR system. You will have to get BNC adapters in order to plug it in this. However, if you do not have a DVR, but you do have a VCR, you can plug it into the A/V (usually red, white, and yellow where red and white are normally audio and yellow is video. Older VCRs have 2 RCA inputs which are white (or yellow) (for video) and red (audio)). Works wonders, good video feed.
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