i have had my i633 polaroid camera for about a year now, and i use picasa2 to store all of my pictures that i upload onto my computer.i know how to upload my pictures onto the computer and i have never had any problems untill now.i do exactly what i always do to upload my pictures to my computer.and for some reason my camera is not uploading the pictures to my computer.i always plug up my camera to my computer and then turn my camera on.then i click on the picasa2icon on my desktop and a button comes up that says import pictures.then i click the import pictures button.and it uploads my pictures.but when i plug up my camera now, and turn my camera on, the screen goes black.and when i click on the picasa2 icon it just goes to my photo gallery and it wont let me upload any pictures.its almost like my computer isnt reconizing my camera and its not being abole to read it.what do i do?

Asked by brooke on 07/14/2008 0  Answer

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