When i got it for Christmas.... I thought it would work. It was my first camcorder so i followed the directions on the manual and when i play a video back i get no sound... i tried u[loading it but still... no sound. Will sombody please help me?=(

Asked by Sierra on 01/21/2011 2  Answers

ManualsOnline posted an answer 13 years, 11 months ago

The ManualsOnline team has found the manual for this product! We hope it helps solve your problem. Get the Manual Here
5 sorry im late,but ok, on the back of ur camcorder you will se a flap. open it and you will see one circle input and one rectangle input, well the circle means earplugs so grab some and hook them up, but there will be two "rings" on your earplugs where the end is so only put it in till the first one. This worked for me. so it should for you. Now you have Sound.
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0 sorry im late,but listen on the back you will find a flap and then teo buttons.. one is circled for earplugs and one is a rectancle. you need earplugs to listen to it. so then u play back a recpording and there is the sound. oh and dont put the earplugs all the way in.. just.... ok there are two "rings" on your plun in on your earplugs right well only push it in where the first ring stops then you can listen to it and it has sound.=) your welcome
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