Argus Camera ARGUS A Digital Camera User Manual

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Appendix B:
Bibliography and References
Adams, Ansel, The Camera. Little, Brown, and Company, Boston, 1980.
Burian, Peter K. and Caputo, Robert, National Geographic Photography Field Guide:
Secrets To Making Great Pictures. National Geographic Book Division, Washington,
D.C., 1999.
Lahue, Kalton C. and Bailey, Joseph A., Glass, Brass, and Chrome: The American
35mm Miniature Camera. University of Oklahoma Press, Norman, Oklahoma, 1972.
Tydings, Kenneth, The Argus 35mm Guide And Reference Book. Greenberg: Publisher,
New York, 1952.
“Ideal for Travel” International Research Corporation. Advertisement. The National
Geographic Magazine May 1937.
“Get High Precision At Low Cost…” International Research Corporation. Advertisement.
Popular Photography Oct. 1938: 61.
“Argus Scores Again!” International Research Corporation. Advertisement. Popular
Photography Mar. 1939: 6.
“Here’s your key to every Gift Problem!” Argus Industries Incorporated. Advertisement.
Holiday Magazine Dec. 1946:138.
Verschoor, Charles A., “Photographic Camera.” US Patent 2052261. 25 Aug. 1936.
Aim and Shoot: Argus Candid Camera Photography. Ann Arbor, MI: International
Research Corporation.
Argus Lens Accessory Kit. Ann Arbor, MI: International Research Corporation.
Instructions For Operating Model A Argus Camera. Ann Arbor, MI: International
Research Corporation.
Instructions For Operating Model A2F Argus Camera. Ann Arbor, MI: International
Research Corporation.
“Antique Cameras And Repair Information.” Argus Camera. 2002. Argus Industries Inc.
15 Jan. 2003. <>.