Axis Communications 700 Photo Scanner User Manual

Required Environment
An FTP server for scan-to-file which directories can be reached as a local or shared drive.
The directories used as targets must exist and be available for reading and writing.
Visioneer Visual Explorer 1.0 for Windows 95/98 installed.
Setting up your AXIS 700 for Scan-to-File
The method used is scan-to-file.
1. Specify a Destination Name. It is recommended to create a separate destination for each
network user to enable a personal Visual Explorer folder.
2. Specify a default Scanning Profile. The Text profile (300 dpi black-n-white) should
work with most documents. Any other of the pre-defined profiles as well as used defined
PDF profiles can be used as the Visual Explorer support all AXIS 700 file formats (TIFF,
JPG and PDF).
3. Set Include Image Information to None.
4. Specify the name/IP number of the FTP Server used in the FTP Server field.
5. Specify the Directory to be used on the FTP Server. This directory must exist.
6. The default settings can be used for the remaining fields.