Copyright ©
All rights reserved. No p art of this documen t m ay be copied, reproduced or translated. It shall not otherwise be recorded, transmitted or
stored in a retrieval system without the prior written consent of Barco.
Barco p rovides this manual ’as is’ w ithout warranty of any kind, either e xpressed or implied, including but not limited to the implied war -
ranties or m erchantability and fitness f or a particular purpose. Barco m ay make improvements and/or changes to the product(s) and/or the
program(s) described in this publication at any time without n otice.
This pub lication could c ontain technical inaccuracies or typographical errors. Changes are periodic
ally made to the information in this
publication; these changes are incorporated in new editions of this publication.
Brand and product name s m entioned in this m anual m ay be t rademarks, registered trademarks or c opyrights of their respective holders.
All brand and produc t names mentioned in this manual serve as comments or examples and are not to be understood as advertising for
the products or their manufacturers.
Disposal Information
This equipment has required the extraction and use of natural resources for its production. It may contain hazardous sub stances for health
and environme nt. In order to avoid the dissemination of those subs tances in the environment and to diminish the pr essure on natural
resources, we encourage you to use the appr opriate take-back systems. Those systems will reuse or recycle most of the materials of your
end of life equipment in a sound way.
The crossed-out wheeled bin symbol invites you to use those s yste
ms. If you need more information on the collection, reuse and recycling
systems, please contact y our local or regional wa ste administrator. You can also contact us for m o re information on the environmental
performances of our products.