MegaPixel IP CamerasSoftware | en 37
Bosch Security Systems User Manual F.01U.064.422 | V 1.0 | 2007.03
‘Hide’ minimizes the Bosch Video System application and hides
it in the system tray of the Windows task bar.
‘Log off’ logs off current user and hides the Video System appli-
‘Exit’ exits the Video System application.
‘About’ shows the version of the Bosch Video System software
and the additional information for each of the installed cam-
era(s): camera type, firmware and hardware version, MAC and
IP addresses.
4.2.15 User authentication
Bosch Video System allows setting up password-protected
access (see Section 4.2.10 Permission). If one or more user
accounts were created, the Bosch Video System will display a
log-in dialog prompting for the user name and password, as
4.2.16 Language selection
Bosch Live Video System supports interfaces in English; other
languages will be added in future releases. Press the F2 key to
bring up the language menu.
4.2.17 Browsing archives
Archive browsing is enabled by clicking on the archive icon
in the toolbar. Because the archiving function is not
available in this software version, the archive files will be
4.2.18 AVI Maker
The AVI Maker is intended for making AVI clips from the Archive.
The program is not functional in this software version.