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contact Bushnell at: Bushnell Outdoor Products Gmbh
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©2008 Bushnell Outdoor Products
If unit does not turn on - LCD does not illuminate:
• Depresspowerbutton.
• Checkandifnecessary,replacebattery.
If unit does not respond to key presses, replace the battery with a good quality 9 volt alkaline battery.
If unit powers down (display goes blank when attempting to power the laser):
• ebatteryiseither weakorlowquality.Replacethebatterywith agoodquality9 voltalkalinebattery.
Heavy Duty alkaline batteries are NOT recommended.
If target range cannot be obtained:
• MakesureLCDisilluminated.
• Makesurethatthepowerbuttonisbeingdepressed.
• Makesurethatnothing,suchasyourhandornger,isblockingtheobjectivelenses(lensesclosesttothetarget)
that emit and receive the laser pulses.
• Makesureunitisheldsteadywhiledepressingpowerbutton.