Canon A3200 IS Digital Camera User Manual

3 Set up Menu
Item Content Ref. Page
Mute On/Off* p. 50
Volume Set all operation sounds (5 levels). p. 51
Sound Options Set the sounds for each camera operation. p. 150
Hints & Tips On*/Off p. 150
LCD Brightness Sets screen brightness (5 levels). p. 52
Start-up Image Add an image as a start-up image. p. 152
Format Formats memory card, erasing all data pp. 22, 151
File Numbering Continuous*/Auto Reset p. 153
Create Folder Monthly*/Daily p. 154
Lens Retract 1 min.*/0 sec. p. 154
Power Saving
Auto Power Down: On*/Off
Display Off: 10, 20 or 30 sec./1*, 2 or 3 min.
pp. 54, 154,
Time Zone Home*/World p. 155
Date/Time Date and time settings p. 20
Video System NTSC/PAL p. 121
Language Choose display language. p. 21
Reset All Returns camera to default settings. p. 53
* Default setting