Canon A400 Digital Camera User Manual

Foliage – Captures brilliant
shots of autumn foliage
or greenery.
Snow – Shoots clear snow
scenes without darkened
subjects and bluish tint.
Fireworks – Allows
for great shots of
skyrocketing fireworks.
Beach – Lets you get
clear shots of people at
a sunny beach without
darkened faces.
Simply select the desired pre-set scene setting. Choose from:
Portrait – Ensures your
subject is sharply focused
and the background
beautifully blurred.
Night Scene – Makes a
challenging situation easy
by properly illuminating both
subject and background.
Underwater – Optimises
white balance for underwater
photography, minimising blue
tint for more natural colours.
Indoor – Reduces blur and
improves colour accuracy
when shooting hand-held
indoors with typical room