Canon G10 Camcorder User Manual

07/02/09 11:18Canon PowerShot G10 - Digital Camera Reviews & Photography Tips
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with us and for me is a bad forms of taking care of their clients and the futures. My cameras were
Canon, p&s, but by the moment I will change this brand. I were waiting the G10 thinking that it will
be better than G9, and have only 80 and 10 ISO and 147 mp in a little ccd is a big error from Canon.
With this price Canon must offer more. A lot of people need, wants, hope take pictures with 200, 400
or more ISO with quality and G10 for me is deceit. Is a p&s, yes, but this is not an excuse to have
made a great camera since has the means, they knew about the opinion of the market and the purchase
price is expensive for not having had these considerations. For my it has been a great deception
Best regards.
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