Fisher-Price J8210 Digital Camera User Manual

Problem Cause Solution
Photos are blurry Lens may be dirty or smudged Clean the lens with a soft cloth.
Camera moved when picture
was taken
Try to keep the camera steady when
you take pictures.
Flash may not have
been charged
Wait for flash to fully charge before
you take a picture .
You are too close to your subject
Back up – the focus range is from
about 4 ft. (1.22 m) - infinity
Can not transfer pictures to
the computer
Deluxe software
is not installed
Insert PhotoShow
Deluxe CD into the
CD-ROM drive of your computer and
install the software.
USB cord may not be
properly connected
Check cord connections on both your
camera and your computer.
Camera is not recognizing
SD card (not included,
sold separately)
SD card is corrupted or
not certified
Use only certified SD cards.
Pictures on my camera
were gone after changing
“AA” (LR6) batteries
CR-2032 button cell battery is
weak or exhausted
Replace the CR-2032 button
cell battery.