Recording Movies
Recording Movies
Press t to shoot a movie. During recording,
y REC and the time remaining will be displayed
in the LCD monitor and sound will be recorded via
the built-in microphone (be careful not to cover the
microphone during recording).
Time available is displayed
in monitor
To end recording, press the t button again. Recording ends automatically
when the movie reaches maximum length or memory is full.
R Zoom can be adjusted while recording is in progress.
R Before recording, select a frame size using the V MOVIE QUALITY option in the
shooting menu. Select h 1280 (1280 × 720) for an aspect ratio of 16 : 9 (High De ni-
tion) or f (640 × 480) to record longer standard de nition movies.
R Focus is xed when t is pressed. Exposure and white balance are adjusted auto-
matically throughout recording. The color and brightness of the image may vary
from that displayed before recording begins.
R Sounds made by the camera may be recorded.