View Camera solutions
CF-line digital back solutions for View Cameras
If you are used to focus and compose you images using the live video
functionality, then you can mount the CF-line digital backs directly onto
a view camera with H-camera or V-camera interface, using correspond-
ing i-adapters on the CF digital back.
If you prefer to focus and compose using a ground glass with a loupe
Hasselblad can recommend sliding adapters from Linhof - available
with interface for either the i-adapter for a H-camera or for a V-camera.
The sliding adapter is available from Linhof. A number of features
including viewnder, loupe, and ground glass are available.
Having connected the elements of the view camera solution,
you simply choose your capture mode in Phocus.
From now your controls when working tethered include:
The CF-line digital backs connect to the electronic shutters/lenses
with separate connecting cables for the Schneider or for the Rollei
electronic shutter. See item numbers at the end of this document.
Working un-tethered the control of the electronic shutters takes place
from the user interface on the digital capture unit.
Digital Lenses
Schneider and Rodenstock manufacture digital lenses, which can
be supplied with the electronic shutter already tted from Schneider
or Rollei. This must be specied at ordering time. Equally, the view
camera must have a front lens board that will accept the electronic
shutter and lens. Rodenstock and Schneider can advise on the correct
type of lens board for popular view cameras. Very wide angle lenses
require recessed lens boards to get the lens physically close enough
to the sensor in the digital capture unit. Please refer to links below for
details on the lens program and availability.
General Connection Options - Manual Flash Sync
A method is required to physically trigger the lens shutter and the
digital back simultaneously. This can be done via a very simple ash
sync connection or via a sophisticated electronic interface.
Using a manual copal type lens, connection is made from the lens
ash sync to the Sync In port on the digital unit. Therefore when the
exposure is triggered on the lens, the digital unit receives a signal to
expose simultaneously. If ash lighting is required then connection is
made from the Sync Out port on the digital unit to the ash equipment.
This applies to all models.
Flash Sync with Electronic Shutters
The use of an electronic shutter with a ash sync connection may be
more convenient as it prevents the user disturbing the lens to adjust
exposure settings or allow easier access to make these adjustments.
Please note that using an electronic shutter in this way requires an
interface from the manufacturer to allow Aperture selection, Shutter
Speed and Capturing control.
Full Control with Electronic Shutters
Two systems are supported by Hasselblad, from Schneider and Rollei.
Both of these systems comprise of a battery or mains powered control
unit, connection interface to the electronic shutter/lens, connection
interface to a digital capture unit and ash synchronisation output.
The control unit will allow the user to select aperture setting, shutter
speed and trigger the exposure.