IP Media Server (Global Call) Demo Guide — November 2003 37
Demo Details
5.3 Threads
The IP Media Server (Global Call) demo operates with two threads, as shown in Figure 4.
Figure 4. IP Media Server (Global Call) Demo Threads
State Machine CVoiceStateMachine
• Handles voice events and maintains
voice state machine(s)
Note: The public functions in this class
should only be accessed by the
classes inside the voice module.
Init( )
• Opens vox files
• Creates mailbox utility object that
manages mailboxes
Exit( )
• Closes vox files
• Deletes mailbox utility object that
manages mailboxes
ProcessEvent( )
• Processes voice events
Misc CMailBoxUtil
• Provides utility function to manage
Note: The public functions in this class
should only be accessed by the
classes inside the voice module
InitMailBoxes( )
• Initializes mailboxes
CheckAndConvertDigits( )
• Checks if the extension number is in
allowed range. If it is, converts it into an
GetMailBox( )
• Checks if the mailbox is ready to be used.
If it is, gets the mailbox.
CreateMailBoxFileName( )
• Creates a filename for the mailbox
FreeMailBox( )
• Frees the mailbox for future use
Table 7. Voice Module Classes (Continued)
Category Class Name Interface
Main Thread