Intellinet Network Solutions 510486 Digital Camera User Manual

DIP Switches
The DIP (dual in-line package) switches on the rear panel of some models
enable a variety of functions
that are printed in a convenient
reference key alongside the
switches. NOTE: A DIP switch
reference list is also listed in the
product’s Specications. In the
example at right (model 515344),
DIP switches 6 and 7 enable
the Local Loopback (LLB) and
Remote Loopback (RLB) diagnostic functions (see Loopback Testing).
Loopback Testing
On some models (see Specications), DIP switches let you activate both
local and remote loopback diagnostic test functions. Check for proper
cable connections rst, and run the test with a trafc level of at least 50
percent of capacity to optimize the brightness of the LED indicators.
Don’t conduct both loopback tests at the same time.
Local Loopback
Use a local loopback (set the designated DIP switch to On to enable) to
check that the copper segment is connected properly. Launch a loopback
or diagnostics testing program (see NOTE below) and follow the program
instructions. Typically, the instructions will be similar to the following:
1. Enter the number of test messages (frame packets) to be sent (1–1000).