The flash units in this family don’t have TTL flash mode; instead, they
have the so-called automatic flash mode, in addition to manual flash
mode. Numerous photographers still make use of this simple but
extremely effective form of flash measurement. With automatic flash
mode, it isn’t the camera that controls the flash, but instead, the
photocell integrated in the flash measures the light reflected from
the object. It is a really nice thing!
Fill-in flash
Backlighting makes interesting light effects
possible, if you know how to use it correctly. A
flash should be used in any case. With the flash
output reduced by 1 or 2 f-stops, it is possible
to retain the character of the existing light.
The higher the guide number, the greater the
range of the flash unit. However, when compa-
ring, it is important to make sure that the same
focal length and the same ISO specification
are used.