Focal length/Aperture: 6mm f/2.8
Picture angle: 220°
Effective picture field: 23mm0 on film
Lens construction: 12 elements in 9 groups
Projection formula: Equidistant
Aperture scale: f/2.8 ~ f/22 on both standard and aperture-direct-readout
Diaphragm: Automatic
Exposure measurement: Via full-aperture method; meter coupling ridge
provided for Al cameras and meter coupling shoe for non-AI cameras
Focusing range: Infinity (°°) to 0.9 foot (0.25m)
Distance scale: Graduated in both feet and meters
Mount: Nikon bayonet mount
Filters: Built-in L1BC, Y48, Y52,056 and R60
Dimensions: 236mm0 x 171mm long (total); 160mm extension from flange
Weight: Approx. 5200g
Front lens cap
Rear lens cap LF-1
Special metal case
Teleconverter TC-200