Nikon TC-20E III Camera Lens User Manual

Thank you for purchasing theAF-S Teleconverter. Before using this teleconverter, please read these
instructions and refer to your lens' and camera's User's Manual.
Major features
• This teleconverter doubles the prime lens' focal length with a two-stop loss in effective aperture.
• BecauseyourAF-STeleconverterhasCPUcontacts,andfeaturesautofocus,metercouplingandminimum
aperture coupling, you can fully take advantage of prime lens' features.
• This teleconverter employs aspherical lens, which minimizes optical interference of the prime lens.
• ThisteleconverterisexclusivelyfortheAF-SorAF-INIKKORlens(p.15);otherlensescannotbeused.
• Thefunctionsofthelensattacheddependonthecamerainuse.Fordetails,refertothelens'User's Manual.
• RefertotheFocusing (p. 18) for available autofocus and focus assist.