Olympus C-450ZOOM Digital Camera User Manual

34 En
This function lets you format a card. Formatting prepares cards to receive
data. Before using non-Olympus cards or cards which have been formatted
on a PC, you must format them with this camera.
All existing data, including protected pictures, are erased when the card
is formatted. Make sure that you transfer important data to a PC before
formatting a used card.
1 In the top menu, select MODE MENU CARD CARD
SETUP, and press .
Shooting mode
The FORMAT screen is displayed.
Playback mode
The CARD SETUP screen is displayed.
2 If the FORMAT screen is displayed, press to
select YES.
If the CARD SETUP screen is displayed, press to
select FORMAT, and press .
When the FORMAT screen appears, press to select
3 Press .
The BUSY bar is displayed and the card is formatted.